In light of my odometer induced reflections yesterday I have found myself greatly encouraged by how the Lord has been at work in my life over the past eight years.  More than this, my reflections gave me perspective.  Perspective that I am in great need of.  Not because I am struggling but because I am human and as such I forget.  My friend Tim Carpenter wrote an excellent piece titled The Art of Reflection, The Art of Remembering on this very thing that I’d like to refer you to.  Tim’s thoughts on this are priceless.  I can’t say it better myself, so I wont.  Just read what Tim had to say.  The following is an excerpt from Tim’s piece,

…failing to remember is part of what it means to live here on earth.  But I truly believe that one of the biggest stumbling blocks to whole-hearted and consistent commitment to Christ is the frantic pace of life that encourages us to forget all that God has done for us.

Read Tim’s Article